четверг, 21 февраля 2019 г.

Make a change kill yourself


make a change kill yourself

Are these scars real or just another open wound? What I got was a pretty decent outing of dreary but melodic Depressive Black Metal a la Lifelover, Psychonaut 4 and the likes. This is fucking insanity of the most hellish and vile ilk in audio form. Typhonian: Beneath the Streams of Life Another debut from another young, promising act, this time from Germany. Basically mid-paced, old school tinged Death Metal with a small hint of 90s style Black Metal very Immortal-esque. Take a bottle of Absinthe And a handfull of razorblades.


make a change kill yourself

Alene igennem livets vej Forkastet af mennesker omkring mig Jeg hører ikke til her. Make a Change…Kill Yourself really shows their musical progression and maturity from their debut album to this one, making a bleaker album with more of a unique feeling to it. I am immune to it. Death is what I hunger to experience. I gave myself this much-needed break and it helped me build my passion for this blog and my writing back up exceptionally. Searching in this open wound called a soul I find enough strength to cut my wrists. Ad Hominem: Napalm for All Next we go to the lovely land of Italy for some punishing French-born Black Metal of the more modern ilk.

Make a Change… Kill Yourself

make a change kill yourself

This is very aggressive, filled with solid riffs, sounds like a cross between Watain and Bolt Thrower and is just an overall fun listen. Woke up to another day in this hellhole. Boy oh fucking boy, have I dun goofed by missing this one. This is really good and served my thirst for Depressive Black Metal during my kick a few weeks back. Feel my razorblades tongue And cut yourself deep and desirably.

Make a Change...Kill Yourself

make a change kill yourself

This crappy human medicine wont cure me. Feel the sun burn your skin and turn to stone. Is this a fork or a knife? Do you want to die Or have a near death experience? Oh yes, I have a lot lined up for the next couple months! Are these people real or just ghosts in the wind? My great salvation lies within This suicidal mind of mine. It is time for the northern heritage to return. A lifeless body with a soul rotten of wasted years, In this they call life.


make a change kill yourself

Winterfylleth: The Hallowing of Heirdom Winterfylleth… goes Neofolk? We are just puppets dancing, The way they want us to. The same change occurs once more at the thirty-two minute mark, lasts for a few minutes and once again returns to a vigorous beatdown of dark instrumentation and howling vocals that any black metal fan should love. Nothing shall ease this long awaited pain. I must find strength within this grim body of mine. Pretty standard stuff, but good for what it is. Are these shitty feelings just another fairytale of happiness? Nothing but death in this life is certain.

Make a Change... Kill Yourself

make a change kill yourself

As we know, comeback albums can go either way; really good or really bad. Their churches have been burnt, Sick and perverted desecrations have been done. No Current 93 or Boyd Rice or anything like that, but still worth a listen! Caressed by this shitty life. If you like your Blackened Death Metal classy, then look no further than this, as well as the rest of what this group of bands has to offer. A final attempt to make my death honourable; I drag myself outside to die in public Hopefully giving these humans trauma.


make a change kill yourself

Let the blood run in an overflowing stream And submit to my suicide and yours. Follow my footprints of blood. There are a lot of explosive moments of blast-beat-riddled fury that follow brief moments of calm and ambience. This is just loud, riffy Black Metal with heavy themes of war and genocide, with the aggression to back their lyrical content. My mind fucks up my soul.

Make a Change… Kill Yourself

make a change kill yourself

This is dying not living. Nahtrunar is a mysterious anonymous entity that plays a pretty run of the mill but enjoyable style of Black Metal. Featuring members of Benediction and Bolt Thrower, I knew this one was in good hands in terms of quality. This knife seems to kindly touch my skin. This is very competent and very aggressive Black Metal with a specialty of controlling tension and knowing when to unload the assault when the moment comes. Pure misery through and through.

Make A Change... Kill Yourself merch collection

make a change kill yourself

You might as well just kill yourself. Some pure alcohol should definitely make the blood run quicker And make the pain bigger. Our veins we shall slit, Spilling our blood on the butchered bodies. It pulls no punches and bears no regard for your well-being throughout the entirety of the aural assault that this gives you from start to finish. For fans of depressive black metal, or any type of depressive music, this album is a mandatory listen.

Make a Change...Kill Yourself

make a change kill yourself

This is raw, mid-paced, groovy Old School Death Metal that harkens way the fuck back to the sleazy, slimy days of old, with snarling, half-yelled vocals, muddy guitars churning out muddy riffs and paced, groovy drums. In a year where Death Metal has already spoiled us with a ton of modern classics that have restored my once-stagnant love of the genre significantly, this album bursts onto the scene, shatters my expectations even further and absolutely fucking solidifies that notion. So I kneel before you, A never-ending wish as I beg you, To end my life. Ghastly: Death Velour Kinda weird but interesting Death Metal from Finland. After a few minutes of the same, the song returns to the repetitive drums and raspy vocals playing over the wall of wailing guitars until the final three minutes of the track, which takes the listener back to the ambient intro with the keys into a fade-out. Body parts and severed, Heads shall fill the landscape.

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